Technology for Indigenous America is a non-profit organization dedicated to bringing technology for sustainable living to the individuals and families living in indigenous America.

Technology for Indigenous America (TIA) primarily supports individuals and families living on the Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota. Poverty, unemployment, overcrowded and dilapidated homes, violence and substance abuse are just some of the problems faced by this native community.

TIA began its mission in 2009, determined to connect families to computers and networks for accessing the world outside of the reservation. The idea behind this mission was to provide a link to empower families to develop new skills for sustainable living. However, it became apparent that other fundamental needs would take precedent over that luxury. Most recently, Technology for Indigenous American has been involved in supportive projects that address and recognize the need for more basic forms of technology including obtaining electricity and adequate heating sources for homes.

Technology for Indigenous America relies on donations from community minded supporters to fund its projects. Visit our webpage for more information on how you can support the work we do.